Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Makala's Birthday

Makala's Birthday was March 26, but got spread out over 4 days. Not intentionally, it just kind of worked out that way. She didn't complain! She got to open presents from us on Thursday, her birthday, then Aunt Robin came down on Friday and brought her another gift from Grandma Sherril, who couldn't come because she was so sick. Then Granny and Grandpa came on Saturday and brought a gift, and went to dinner with us at Golden Corral, (Makala's choice), then we were so full from dinner that we didn't do cake and ice cream until Sunday! Hope she didn't mind having a 4 day birthday!


Long Family said...

Guess what? Makala and I share a birthday and I didn't even know it. Happy Late Birthday Makala.

Love Always,


Another Whitemarsh Family Blog said...

I think Makala has changed the most. I think she looks so grown-up! I can' believe it. Happy Birthday to you too Shannon!