Thursday, January 22, 2009

Karate Kids

Well, we finally put the boys in karate. We have wanted to do it for a long time, just didn't have the time, or the money, or a good location. But we were finally able to do it, because there is a team that is teaching classes at the boys' school gym on Thurs. evenings. The price is really reasonable, and it's a convenient time and place, and so far, they love it. Tonight was their second class, and they have already learned a lot. They are official white belts!

1 comment:

Another Whitemarsh Family Blog said...

That is fun. Kellen was doing karate after watching kung fu panda and wanted to do classes. But like you said time and money, maybe in a few years. I can't believe how big they are, they look the exact same just taller. And the girls! HOLY COW! hope ya'll are doning good.