Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In The Hollow Of Thy Hand

Just sitting here this morning thinking about how grateful I am for the gospel and the example that is being set for my kids. One of Kathleen's best friends, (who has become part of our family) is leaving this morning to report to the MTC tomorrow to serve a mission in the Dominican Republic.
We have grown very close to him over the past year or so and will miss him very much but I'm so very proud of him and his desire to serve.

He is setting such a great example for our boys. They love him to death. I think it's really making me think about what it's going to be like in less than 7 years when my boys are that age and preparing to serve also. It's very difficult knowing it will be 2 years. Half of me is so proud, and the other half is so sad. Hard to explain. I'm sure those of you who have sent off a missionary know exactly how I feel.

This past Sunday was his last Sunday in his ward and we were there. Kathleen and Makala sang the song "In the Hollow of Thy Hand." They did such a wonderful job even though it was so difficult for Kathleen. She is going to miss him terribly. It's difficult watching her realize how much. I remember vividly the day my sisters and cousins and I sang that same song when our cousin, Lee, left for his mission. It's such a beautiful song.
Jonathan, you will be in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.

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