Sunday, February 19, 2012

Super Seventeen

So Kathleen turned the big 17 on Feb. 1st, which just happened to fall in the middle of the week that Tony and I were on our cruise. Once she got over the initial annoyance at that little fact, she settled into the fact that 25 or so people were coming to the house for dinner and cake to celebrate. Yes, they were also coming to attend Makala's high school musical debut, but that didn't make it any less important.
Kat: "Yes, it did." Me: "No, it didn't!"
(You can imagine what went on in our house for a couple of weeks.)
Anyway, I think she had a great time in spite of it.
Kathleen and her oldest sister, Jaynie and Jaynie's daughter, Ellie. Don't Kathleen and Jaynie look alike?

I made ice cream cakes!! How cool is that? And they were so easy!
(Too easy. We've had two more since then.)

We had lots of friends and family with us. It was great fun! A little crazy and chaotic, but still great fun!
Tony: "No, it wasn't." Me: "Yes, it was!"

Any fans of Akhmed, the dead terrorist out there??

I can't believe she's 17. A junior in High School, been driving for 2 years, close to getting her Young Women medallion, thinking about colleges and careers, sniff, sniff.... Okay, enough about that. Anyhoo, we couldn't be more proud of the young woman she's become.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kat saw the little skirt and thought "can't wait to stroll town in this and leave out my panties" 17 sounds so good such hot young pussy